Webinar Landing Page Template To Get More Registrants for LIVE or AUTOMATED Webinars

If you’re running webinars or thinking about running webinars, this FREE webinar landing page template will change the game for you.

Time tested with tens of thousands of visitors, converting between 30-50% conversion with cold traffic, this webinar landing page will help you to get more registrants for your webinars than pretty much any other template you can find online.

And even though we used it primarily to register people for our automated webinar on the EverWebinar platform, thanks to our team of developers you can now integrate it with pretty much any webinar platform out there.*

Even more, we have designed a version that allows you to integrate it with any email service provider, such as...

...or any other provider that you love so that you can use it for both - LIVE webinars and automated webinars.


  • Super lightweight, mobile responsive HTML template (speed is the key when driving paid traffic to your page)
  • Dynamic TIMER that’s linked to the time and date of the webinar, allowing you to simulate a LIVE webinar experience
  • Date & time displayed on the pop-up (for the email service provider version)
  • Almost D.F.Y. registration page script - just replace the text with specifics about your webinar and the page is ready
  • Source files included - change background image, avatar image or font styles - anything is possible.
  • Step by step video tutorials that shows you how to integrate it with your favorite email service provider or webinar platform.

Just click the button below to download this powerful webinar landing page template and start to convert more visitors to registrants to your next webinar!


*If you can’t integrate it with your favorite webinar platform, just let us know and we will make required update to the template within 1-3 business days.